Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2.83 - Central nervous system

2.83 - recall that the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord and is linked to sense organs by nerves

- Your nervous system sends electrical messages along nerves to and from different parts of your body it controls your actions. 
- It coordinates different parts of your body so that they work together and are able to bring about the correct responses. 

- The main parts of the nervous system are the brain and the spinal cord, together they are called the central nervous system and are both made of delicate nervous tissue.
- The brain is protected inside the skull and the spinal cord is protected inside your backbone 

The central nervous system is connected to different parts of the body by nerves, each nerve is made up of lots of neurones (nerve cells) 

Sense organs are our receptors - they send messages to the central nervous system telling it what has happened. These messages are sent along sensory neurones. 

Muscles and glands are our effectors. They central nervous system sends messages telling them what to do. These messages are sent along the motor neurones 

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