Saturday, November 5, 2011

2.71 - Ultrafiltration

Nephron of the kidney (shown) - carries out filtration of blood 
two things : Filtered blood (clean blood) and waste blood, Urine

Urine emerges from bottom of tubule - Composed of H2O, Salts and Urea(nitrogen waste) - goes into pelvic region

Bowmans capsule - where filtration begins - Ultrafiltration 

Filtration begins when blood comes in the Afferent arteriole (high pressure - wide) 
- starts to branch into twists and coils - Glomerulus 
- Blood vessel coming out - Efferent arteiole (smaller diameter) - develops high pressure 
- High pressure forces the liquid in blood (Plasma) out of the blood vessel into the inside of the Bowmans capsule
Plasma - H2O - Salts - Amino Acids - Glucose - Urea
When it is the bowmans capsule it is called Glomerula filtrate (contains plasma) 

Blood has been filtered by pressure due to the smaller diameter arteriole, generating a high pressure in the glomerulus, forcing the liquid into the tube

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