Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4.3 - Quadrates Samples

- Sand Dune - sampling the population of Daisies 
- Sample has to be random so no biased is introduced 
- Sample has to be representative, Large enough so that our estimate population,  is as close as the true population as possible. 
- Set up a Grid system on the field -  Grid is equal sizing. 

- Generate Random Numbers for the x and y coordinates

- Count the number of daisies in that square. 
- Need a representative sample - bigger the better - about 10 quadrates or 10% of the actual area 
- When collecting data tabulate it like: 

 This gives number of daisies per meter squared 
- Using this technique you can estimate the population of daises in one area but also can use the technique to compare the number of daisies in more than one area 

1 comment:

  1. formating needs a little work. Well do an example in class
