Wednesday, May 11, 2011

4.4 - Trophic Levels

- trophic means to feed 
- carrot plant - photosynthesis - PRODUCER 
- carrot fly - is a herbivore because it is eating part of the carrot plant - PRIMARY CONSUMER
- Fly catcher - Carnivore because it eats the carrotfly - SECONDARY CONSUMER
- Sparrow Hawk - Top carnivore eats the flycatcher - TERTIARY CONSUMER

- Producer turns light energy into chemical energy 
- Primary Consumer takes in the chemical energy of the plant and changes it into chemical energy of the fly
- Secondary Consumer  changes the chemical energy like the primary consumer 
- Tertiary consumers eat the secondary consumer, taking in the molecules of the fly catcher and changing them into suitable energy for the sparrow hawk 

- All organisms die and are then broken down by decomposers - Fungi and Bacteria - recycling of molecules - break down complex molecules into nitrates and phosphates 

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