Saturday, March 3, 2012

5.15 - Genetically Modified Plants

1. Maize - damaged by the larvae of the European Corkborer - can cause up to 20% loss of crop yield 
2. Existence of a bacterium - BT 
- chromosome of BT shown - on the chromosome there is a gene
- when this gene is switched on it produces BT toxin - known to kill the Corkborer larvae. 
3. First step to get the toxin into the Maize to protect it from the European Corkborer 
- take restriction enzymes to the gene of the BT - take the gene out to leave the BT gene for the toxin 
4. Has to be transfered to the cells of the maize plant 
- A 'gene gun' is used to do this - involves taking tiny particles of gold and coating them in the BT gene 
- They are then fired at high velocity at the plant cell 
- This introduces them into the plant cells interior 
- The plant cell then gets the gene 
- Maize cell now has BT gene so when it is switched on it can make the BT toxin which means they can kill the larvae
- This gives the Maize resistance to damage caused by the cork borer

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